Zendesk CRM
To integrate Zendesk with Acefone, follow these steps:
Click on the Services tab on the side-navigation.
Click Integrations.
Enable the Zendesk integration by toggling the switch.
- Logout from the admin portal and login with your user account and click the Instruction button in Integration tab.
- Click Enable. This opens up a dialog box. Enable the CRM for the user by making selection from the dropdown menu.
- Login to your Zendesk account, and go to Marketplace under Settings tab.
- Search Acefone in the search bar and click on Acefone Voip Telephony.
- Click Install.
- Select account from the dropdown and click Install.
- Click on the Acefone icon on top-right corner of the page and click on Sign In.
- Login with the user account credentials.
- Now, you can manage your call related activities while staying logged in on your CRM.
Updated 7 months ago