Zendesk CRM

Zendesk Integration with Acefone

To integrate Zendesk with Acefone, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Services tab on the side-navigation.

  2. Click Integrations.

  3. Enable the Zendesk integration by toggling the switch.


  1. Logout from the admin portal and login with your user account and click the Instruction button in Integration tab.


  1. Click Enable. This opens up a dialog box. Enable the CRM for the user by making selection from the dropdown menu.


  1. Login to your Zendesk account, and go to Marketplace under Settings tab.

Zendesk 1

  1. Search Acefone in the search bar and click on Acefone Voip Telephony.

Zendesk 2

  1. Click Install.

Zendesk 3

  1. Select account from the dropdown and click Install.

Zendesk 4

  1. Click on the Acefone icon on top-right corner of the page and click on Sign In.

Zendesk 5

  1. Login with the user account credentials.

Zendesk 6

  1. Now, you can manage your call related activities while staying logged in on your CRM.

