Microsoft Teams Direct Routing

To integrate Microsoft Teams Direct Routing with Acefone, follow the given steps:

  1. Log into the domain using admin access.


  1. Select Domains under Settings.


  1. Now, click on Add Domain.


  1. Provide the domain name as 'CLIENT-ID' and click on the button Use this Domain.


  1. Now, select Add a TXT record to the domain's DNS Record and click on Continue.


  1. Select the TXT value generated and share it with our support team by emailing and then clicking on Verify.


Note: Only after you receive an acknowledgment mail of verification and record added from our team within 2 working days then only continue with the steps.

Note: After registering a domain, you need to activate it by adding at least one user and assigning an address matching the created domain in the customer tenant.

  1. Now, select Active Users under the Users section.


  1. Create a new user or use an existing user for configuration and click on Licenses and apps.


  1. Under the Licenses option, make sure that Office 365 E5 is enabled and click on Save changes.


  1. Now, log into the domain using the same admin credentials and select Manage Users under the Users section and select a desired user from the user list.


  1. Go to the Account section in the profile of the user and enter the following details by clicking on Edit.
  • Select the Phone number type as Direct Routing.
  • Enter the extension id assigned to the user under the Assigned Phone Number.
  • Now, click on Apply to save changes.


  1. Now, select Direct Routing under the Voice section from the left navigation pane and click on Add.


  1. Now, add the following details:
Descriptionuser discretion
SIP signaling port5067
  • Now, click on Save.
  • On the Direct Routing page for the domain added it will show active in some time.


  1. Now, select Voice routing policies under Voice and then click on the Add icon to add International Routing Policies.


  1. Now, add the following details:
DescriptionCalling for International Numbers
  • Click on Save.


  1. Now, select the routing policy just created and assign it to the users from the Assign button on the menu.


  1. Now, select Direct Routing under the Voice section and click on Voice routes.


  1. Click on Add to create a new voice route.


  1. Now, add the following details:
DescriptionAcefone primary usage
Dialed number pattern.*
Add SBCrefer step 12
Add PSTN usagerefer step 15


  1. Now, log into the domain Login ( using your admin credentials.


  1. Select the Services tab.


  1. Click on Integrations.


  1. Under the Applications available for integration toggle on MS Teams Direct Routing to enable it.


  1. Once enabled, click on Instruction.


  1. Now, go to the Services tab again and choose Extensions.


  1. Select your desired user and Regenerate the password.


  1. Once the password is regenerated, go back to the Integrated application in steps 24 & 25 and click on Enable.


  1. Choose the user from the dropdown and click on Save.


  1. MS Teams Direct Routing has been enabled for the selected user which we can check under extensions (Steps 25 & 26).


  1. Now, the enabled user from Acefone and the admin, with the above steps, can log in to their respective MS Teams and start experiencing seamless calling.
