Acefone Call Menu Infographic

Call Menu is used in Virtual Receptionist to set the destination of the call.

To create a call menu, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Services tab on the side-navigation.

  2. Click Call Menu.

  3. A list of all call menus appear along with the relevant details.

  4. Click on Add Call Menu.


  1. Enter the Name, Description and select Recording to be played to inform the customer about the call menu.

  2. Click on Next.


  1. Select the destination type as Single or Multiple.
  • Single:
    An example of single destination call menu is Thank you for calling Acefone. To celebrate the holiday season, we are offering limited-time discounts on all purchases. Please ask your account representative about them today!
  1. To set single destination call menu, choose Destination and click Next.


  1. Enter the details as described below and click on Finish.


Forward DestinationThe destination where call will be forwarded to.
Caller ID PrefixEnter the prefix before the number in order to recognize the caller.
Business HoursAssign the business hours to the call menu. If call is placed at a time other than business hour, it won't be redirected to an agent.
Business Hours Failover DestinationThe destination where call will be forwarded to when the call is placed at a time other than business hour.
  • Multiple:
    An example of multiple destination call menu is Hello and thank you for calling Acefone. If you know the extension of the party you are trying to reach, you may dial it at any time. To speak with a Sales representative, press 1. To reach a Customer Support agent, press 2. To reach our Billing department, press 3. If you would like to know our regular business hours and location.
  1. To set multiple destination call menu, enter the Call Menu Entries and click on Next.

Note: Click on Add Entry to add another row.


  1. Enter the details and click on Finish.


OptionEnter the option number.
DestinationSelect the destination where call will be routed.
Email TemplateSelect the email template to send to the customer if the call disconnects.
Prompt for extensionChoose Enable to transfer the call to agent.
Digit TimeoutEnter the duration for which it should be played in seconds.
Invalid Retries AllowedEnter the number of invalid retries allowed to the caller.
Invalid Retry RecordingChoose the recording to be played to inform the caller about the invalid retry.
Invalid RecordingChoose the recording to be played after invalid retry count is more than set value.
Invalid DestinationChoose the agent to which the call should be routed in case of invalid input.
Timeout RetriesEnter the number of times the timeout retry is allowed.
Timeout Retry RecordingChoose the recording to be played to inform the caller about the timeout retry.
Timeout RecordingChoose the recording to be played after timeout retry count is more than set value.
Timeout DestinationChoose the destination to which the call should be routed after timeout retry count is more than set value.
Caller ID PrefixEnter the prefix before the number in order to recognize the caller.
Business HoursAssign the business hours to the call menu. If call is placed at a time other than business hour, it won't be redirected to an agent.
Business Hours Failover DestinationThe destination where call will be forwarded to when the call is placed at a time other than business hour.
  1. Click on Select an Action dropdown button and click on Edit to update and Delete to remove the call menu.
