Salesforce CRM
To integrate Salesforce CRM with Acefone, follow these steps:
Click on the Services tab on the side-navigation.
Click Integrations.
Enable the Salesforce CRM integration by switching the toggle button.
On enabling it, it appears in the Integration Applications section along with other enabled applications.
Now, further click the Instruction button.
- It opens up a new window displaying instructions for enabling the integration. Click Enable button.
- This opens up a dialog box. Now choose the user from the dropdown menu for which the integration should be enabled.
Click Save button.
Now, login on Acefone with the user account for which integration is enabled.
Go to Services>Integrations and you will see the Salesforce integration is enabled.
Click Instruction button.
Scroll down the page and click on the link Click here to download the package.
- Once you click the link, Salesforce login window opens, prompting you to login with your username and password.
On logging in, Salesforce asks for a security code. Enter the code which is sent to your registered email ID, and click Verify button to proceed.
The below screen pops up. Choose Rename components in package option.
- Next, choose Install for All Users option and then click Install button.
- The below screen pops up.
- Type Call Center in quick box present in the top-left corner.
Click on Call Centers from the search listing. Tick the checkbox for Don't show me this page again and click Continue button.
The below screen loads. Cick on OpenCTI link as highlighted below.
- Now, scroll down the page and click Manage Call Center Users button.
- From the Manage Users screen, you can manage the call center users. Click Add More Users button to add your user to manage the call center from Salesforce CRM.
- Search the user by using the available filters. Eg: choose First Name and equals as the filters. Once the user is found, add the user by clicking Add to Call Center button.
Now, click the app launcher icon present in the top left corner.
Type Apps in quick box and then click App Manager from the search listing.
Click the down arrow button next to Sales LightningSales and click Edit button, as shown below:
- Click on Add Utility Item and then select Open CTI Softphone and save it.
Click app launcher icon from the top left corner and click View All as shown below:
Now, click Sales button from the populated dialog box.
- Click on the phone icon on the bottom-left corner and enter your Acefone credentials to login to the softphone application.
- Enter your login ID and password for your Acefone account and click Sign In button.
Congratulations! Your Salesforce CRM account is successfully integrated with your Acefone account.
A softphone gets generated on your Salesforce screen on the bottom left corner.
Now, you can easily make calls from the softphone while browsing your Salesforce account.
Updated 7 months ago