Google Contacts
To integrate Google Contacts with Acefone, follow these steps:
Click on the Services tab on the side-navigation.
Click Integrations.
Enable Google Contacts by switching the toggle button.
Click on the Instruction button.
Click on Enable present on the top-right corner.
Select the user for which you want to enable the integration and click on Save.
- Click on the Download button.
- Select the desired platform for which you wish to install a softphone.
- Install the application and login with your Acefone credentials.
- Click on Advanced Settings option under Settings.
- Enable toggle Authorize Google and copy the authorization code.
- A new tab will open automatically. Now paste the copied authorization code and click next.
- Sign in with your Google account.
- Allow Acefone to access your Google Contacts data.
- On successful completion you will get the following screen.
Your Google contacts are now synced with Acefone.
Updated 10 months ago