Call Queue

Acefone Call Queue Infographic

The Acefone portal allows you to create & manage Call Queues. You may edit/delete, as well as create a new Call Queue.

Call Queue is a feature wherein callers are greeted with an organizational greeting(music on hold) and their calls are placed in queue to be answered while extension is busy on other calls.

To create a Call Queue, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Services tab on the side-navigation.

  2. Click Call Queue.

  3. A list of all the call queues appear along with the relevant details.

  4. Click on Add Call Queue.

How to create a Call Queue?

  1. Enter the Basic Details.

  2. Enter the Department & select the Department and License/Bundle.

Note: Click on Add New, if you wish to add a new department.

How to create a Call Queue?_1

  1. Enable the Assign Number toggle, if you wish to assign a number to the call queue.

How to create a Call Queue?_2

  1. Select the Users & click Next.

How to create a Call Queue?_3

Note: Click on Add Entry to add more extensions in group. You may also click Delete in order to delete the relevant extension.

  1. Enter the Advanced Settings. Click Finish.

How to create a Call Queue?_4

Intercom NumberEnter the intercom number which is required to be assigned to the relevant queue.
Service LevelEnter the time-frame within which agent is required to attend the call.
Caller ID PrefixEnter the prefix before the number in order to recognize the callee.
Queue TimeoutEnter the time slot for which call will ring.
Timeout DestinationSelect the extension to which call is redirected after its timeout.
Queue Position AnnouncementEnable it if you want to announce the position of the caller on the queue.
Enable Sticky AgentEnable the sticky agent if you want the same agent to attend calls of the callers.
Business HoursSelect the business hours of the callee. If call is placed at a time other than business hour, it won't be redirected to the callee.
Queue AnnounceSelect Yes if you want queue announcements, or NO if you don't want any.
Business Hours Failover DestinationThe destination where call will be forwarded to when the call is placed at a time other than business hour.
  1. Click on Select an Action button and click Edit, Delete or Clone to perform the desired operation on the Call Queue.

How to edit/clone/delete a Call Queue?